That’s a wrap! Here’s four helpful tips to navigate the year ahead in business …

MWM Advisory Christmas 2022

Wow 2022, you were remarkable!

You gave us a new Federal Government, ferocious floods, war in the Ukraine, a raft of interest rate hikes, a monumental rental crisis along with another property bubble, staff shortages across numerous industries, and the deaths of Queen Elizabeth in the UK and our own Dame Olivia Newton-John. Plus Argentina wins the FIFA World Cup in Qatar! To name just a few…

But, in just a few days’ time, when we take a break from business to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, we know how essential it is we all take a moment to catch our breath, put 2022 behind us and reset our focus for the year ahead.

Just like the external chaos, as business owners, I know and understand how extremely challenging it is to navigate the ups and downs of business, including operations, finances and employees.

The key is to consciously switch gears, to reflect on the year that’s been and give yourself a pat on the back for the great work you’ve done and the resilience you’ve shown.

Kudos to you for your agility, belief, boldness, and good instincts, all of which have helped you survive through a time of great disruption and change.

I’m here to remind you, that you’ve got this! And that NOW is the time to weigh up the positives and negatives to begin rebuilding for the year ahead.

Below is how we do it at MWM.

1. Put people first

Like a growing number of successful businesses, we are big believers in the power of creating a people-centric organisation, one that values the health and happiness of employees as much as the bottom line.

We aim to stay true to our mission of ‘making accounting human again’, because by taking care of our people, they in turn take care of our clients, which ensures a long-term business relationship.

Here at MWM, we strive to cultivate a team of leaders, people who inspire loyalty, service and understand the value of the client experience.

To do that, we invest in our people’s growth and wellbeing. Being ‘people-centric’ means we develop programs that support their success, enabling them to gain new skills, expertise, and grow their careers.

Do not underestimate the power of putting your people first in your business. Alongside your clients, staff also matter.

2. Exercise

To quote one of my favourites, Simon Sinek says:

“I cannot tell you how long it takes for your exercise to work. If you haven’t seen any results in a year or six months, you’re doing something wrong.”
Firstly, Sinek may be referring to exercises applied in business or operations. It takes time to reap the fruits of your labour. But on the other hand, I believe the importance is equally valid for body and mind.

At MWM we continuously cultivate physical exercise within our team. Why? Because the many benefits of exercise lead to healthy productivity in the workplace. Healthy, happy employees mean happy, nurtured clients.

For example, in July this year, I gathered my people, and we registered team MWM Advisory for the ASICS Half Marathon and the Gold Coast Airport 5km Fun Run. We even extended the invitation for our clients to join in on the fun and it was an amazing day!

But don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting doing half or full marathons if you’re just starting out, but what I do recommend is to start fostering an exercise-conscious culture at work.

Here are just some benefits of exercising for just 20-30 minutes a day:

  • Release of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and endorphins.
  • Lifts mood and energy levels.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Boosts general health and well-being.

It needn’t be hard and take note: exercise includes activities as simple as gardening or walking, to more intense interval training, gym workouts or even rock climbing.

The point is, to get your body moving to optimise your mental health and keep cultivating a healthy culture in the office.

3. Start developing your Why.

And while we’re on Sinek…let’s talk about your why?

Some of you may know Simon Sinek and some of you may not. In a nutshell, he is high up on my list of preferred leadership experts and his Golden Circle theory has helped me develop many foundations for MWM.

His theory suggests that everyone (including organisations) have to ‘Start With Your Why?’ That is, being clear on how you explain your purpose, the reason you exist and behave as you do.

Getting to the centre of your ‘Why’, according to the Golden Circle theory gets you to drill down and clarify your ‘What’ and your ‘How’ to get to your ‘Why’.

Below are points to get you thinking:

  • What: List everything your organisation does. Including services or products or both.
  • How: Start thinking in detail, how your business does what it does. Be specific.
  • Why: Interestingly, many organisations aren’t clear on why they do what they do. But your ‘Why’ defines your purpose. It’s not to make money; that’s the result. Your why is precisely the reason your business exists.

I’ve included a link for you to get acquainted with Simon Sinek if you haven’t already but get started on defining your Why. Starting the new year with a refreshed vision of your business’ purpose will fuel your annual strategies and planning.

Go get it!

4. Growing the Gold Coast

It’s been a tough time for businesses and employees in our region and across the country these past few years

From lockdowns to quarantine, border patrols and working from home in 2021, to ever-increasing inflation rates, resource shortages, sky-rocketing fuel prices in 2022, you have carried on resiliently with plenty of toilet paper supplies!

That’s because you are survivors, adaptors, and innovators, who are willing to face up to the challenges of today, tomorrow and the years ahead.

Your hard work has put the Gold Coast on the map, and I encourage you to keep going

Today, we are very fortunate to have such a great and growing business community, with a diversity and depth of industry not known in previous generations.

There has been a changing of the guard, and we are proud to be part of a new generation of leaders who value their people, community, and our home here in beautiful Southeast Queensland like never before.

So, on that note, let’s all take a deep breath over the break, reflect, recharge, and be fully prepared and energised for the year ahead.

We wish you all good health, happiness, and much success in 2022!


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